Sending your child off to school for the first time is a major life milestone. Whether you are sending them away for just the day or starting their new education, there will be many emotions involved in this decision-making process. You have likely considered all of these aspects before choosing where they go and what type of environment they should learn within, but that doesn’t make it any less difficult when those big days come!
The pressure can feel immense at times because as parents we want our children’s future to turn out well – we want them safe from harm while also being able to grow into independent adults who succeed academically and socially like never before seen in generations past. With so much riding on one choice; deciding which school best suits your needs can be intimidating for you as a parent.
This guide is going to be helpful in choosing and applying to schools in the UAE; our team of tutors provides support for students from around the world who want a personalized learning experience. It’s designed with you specifically in mind, so that we can help you choose and apply successfully. If you want to hire a private tutor in Dubai for your child. Check our website.
The academic year in schools operating in the UAE differs. It is important for students and parents alike to be aware of their individual school’s calendar, as it can greatly impact a student’s education. There are two types of calendars at work: Indian/Pakistani curriculum schools operate on an Academic Year that corresponds with home countries- they have summer break from late June until early September; Japanese Curriculum Schools also follow this pattern but with breaks occurring later into August or even September.
The Western calendar, with the academic year starting in September and ending at the end of June or early July is used by most international schools. Some other curriculums do not have a two-week break period but these are rare exceptions to this rule. US curriculum schools also tend to close for summer earlier than their counterparts.
What is the Recommended Age for Starting School?
Some children are sent to school as early as 3 years old, but other countries only require that they start at 7. In the UAE your child would be 5 when legally obligated to attend big-school. They can wait until their 6th birthday if you want them to enjoy a few more carefree years before learning responsibility and hard work in kindergarten or elementary grades!
The Ministry of Education has set out specific cut-off dates based on age and curriculum. Some children are ready at 3 years old, others might not be until they’re 11 or 12! If you want your little one to have an education equal with their peers in terms of what they learn, then make sure that he/she is enrolled into class by these cutoff dates – which vary depending on the academic calendar followed by different schools across the UAE.
When September rolls around, the youngest students will need to have hit their 4th birthday before they can attend school.
The UAE is one of the few countries in which children are allowed to attend public schools starting at an early age. As a result, school administrators have been flooded with requests for admission from parents eager to start their child’s education as soon as possible. However, because many families want this opportunity and there aren’t enough seats available yet it can be difficult later on down the line when more students come along that need places too! Luckily some international schools offer late entry into kindergarten or first grade so you don’t always have to worry about your kids not getting into school right away just like they did back home!
Some parents are pleased to see their children in a smaller, less formal school environment. However before you make this decision, check with your preferred schools whether you can apply for later entry and what the likelihood is of a place being available. In addition to that, families often place their children into preschools as soon as possible these days which means it’s more difficult for them to add any extra spaces when demand gets higher.
The Nursery/ELC environment is an intimate and nurturing place for young children to grow. It’s a decision that will affect your child long-term, so think carefully about the benefits of staying in this setting or being able to have more certainty when it comes time for school by applying at the start of each academic year (some schools offer deferment).
You will find that there are many benefits to enrolling your child in a local school. Local schools often offer places for children of English Language Learners (ELC), and this is something you should consider before selecting one yourself. You can also look into nurseries which have links with the primary schools, too!
There is a definitive answer to when your child can start school, but it’s important that you’re aware of the age range where parents have more choice. We advise you to be cognizant of enrolling into schools past their traditional beginning dates; especially if they are popular and well-established already.